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Membership Benefits

Your LCSCA membership is good for one academic year. It is recommended to pay membership dues at the start of the school calendar year.


Quarterly newsletter:

We will help you stay connected by highlighting best practices, event and meeting dates, and sharing any update that might have an impact on school counselors in Lee County, FL.



We offer opportunities for members to get involved in community events (i.e. board meetings, community sponsorship, panel discussions) to advocate the role of the certified school counselor. We will represent our organization at the annual Florida School Counselor Association Conference.


Professional Development:

We provide you with annual professional development through programming like our annual Growth Day event to help you keep current on best practices and self-care for our profession.  



We honor and award certified school counselors of Lee County, FL, of each level, at our annual School Counselor Awards where we also recognize administrators, at each level, who support the role of the certified school counselor.


The Susan Shoemaker Scholarship:

In honor of the beloved school counselor, Susan Shoemaker, we fundraise to support graduating high school seniors from Lee County, FL



We encourage and support any LCSCA member to join the LCSCA board leadership to help support the organization. We also promote mentoring and networking connections among veteran counselors and beginning counselors in our county.


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